small and big questions...
In the gallery you already got a taste of the type of questions you can ask here. A few more options:
I don't know how to put it… but I'm not feeling well
What happens now? Why do I react this way (to my partner, colleague, child)?
Why is this happening to me in my life right now?
What can I do? I want tips! Do something, control!
How can I prevent this? I don't want to get back to this point...
Do I have to go to MomentÔ for this problem ?
We want to offer you the opportunity to pause here and now for a moment…
Thoughts keep spinning in your head
Feelings that are difficult to name let alone 'control'
Your body that no longer 'listens'…
Comments from others that you can't post
Learning to watch your own behavior (or that of someone else) gently…
Discover your own qualities and challenges and how to use them in interaction with others
Everyone welcome!
I welcome adults, young people, M/F, parents, stepdads, plus-moms, couples, families, individuals, in all diversity… in a warm, respectful way. Our chat evolves from one between seekers to one between experts, who- can- do it- themselves- without help.
Conversations can be individual (you and me), as a couple, between ex-partners, in a newly formed family, child/younger parent.